The Handbook covers the major topics of linear algebra at both the graduate and undergraduate level as well as its offshoots (numerical linear algebra and combinatorial linear algebra), its applications, and software packages for linear algebra computations. The Handbook takes the reader from the very elementary aspects of the subject to the frontiers of current research, and its format (consisting of a number of independent chapters each organized in the same standard way) should make this book accessible to readers with divergent backgrounds.
There are five main parts in this book. The first part (Chapters 1 through Chapter 26) covers linear algebra; the second (Chapter 27 through Chapter 36) and third (Chapter 37 through Chapter 49) cover, respectively, combinatorial and numerical linear algebra, two important branches of the subject. Applications of linear algebra to other disciplines, both inside and outside of mathematics, comprise the fourth part of the book (Chapter 50 through Chapter 70). Part five (Chapter 71 through Chapter 77) addresses software packages useful for linear algebra computations. Each chapter is written by a different author or team of authors, who are experts in the area covered. Each chapter is divided into sections, which are organized into the following uniform format:
- Definitions
- Facts
- Examples
Most relevant definitions appear within the Definitions segment of each chapter, but some terms that are used throughout linear algebra are not redefined in each chapter.
The Facts (which elsewhere might be called theorems, lemmas, etc.) are presented in list format, which allows the reader to locate desired information quickly. In lieu of proofs, references are provided for all facts. The references will also, of course, supply a source of additional information about the subject of the chapter. In this spirit, we have encouraged the authors to use texts or survey articles on the subject as references, where available.
The Examples illustrate the definitions and facts. Each section is short enough that it is easy to go back and forth between the Definitions/Facts and the Examples to see the illustration of a fact or definition. Some sections also contain brief applications following the Examples (major applications are treated in their own chapters).
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