
Thursday, December 3, 2020

Linear algebra , David Cherney, Tom Denton, Rohit Thomas and Andrew Waldron,

 Linear algebra , David Cherney, Tom Denton, Rohit Thomas and Andrew Waldron, 

    The topics are discussed in this book are listed below:

1. What is Linear Algebra?

2. Systems of Linear Equations 

3. The Simplex Method 

4. Vectors in space ,n-Vectors

5. Vector spaces  

6. Linear Transformations

7. Matrices

8. Determinants

9. Subspaces and spanning sets 

10. linear independence 

11. Basis and dimension 

12. Eigen values and Eigen vectors

13. Diagonalization

14. Orthonormal Bases and Complements

15. Diagonalizing Symmetric Matrices

16. Kernel ,Range , Nullity, Rank

17. Least squares and Singular Values

To get this book, Download here.

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